Kick It Out

Racism and Discrimination

Kick It Out

twitter icon @@kickitout


Target Group Range:


Learning Objectives:

  • To provide an understanding of what racism and discrimination can look like

  • To understanding how to report discrimination

  • To recognise personal responsibility


Delivery Type:


About This Programme:

Kick it Out provides a space that allows academy players, of all ages, to have an open and honest conversation surrounding racism in football. Participants are shown a wide-ranging number of incidents to highlight the variety of ways in which racism manifests itself. It is an engaging open forum facilitated by Kick It Out’s deliverers which encourages teammates to share experiences and understanding. The workshop also provides academy players with guidance on the reporting of incidents.

Staff workshops are also available and provide insight into legalities within the EDI space. This offers the opportunity to share club practises and receive an insight into the outcomes of academy player sessions. Kick It Out is also on hand to support parents and carers sessions with a focus on player support systems, behaviours and practises, as well as understanding the parental journey and its responsibilities.

There is the opportunity for special requests to be made, if more time is required on a specific topic. This education provision is long-standing in academy football and continues to be updated in line with what is happening in football and wider society.

Unavailable Dates:
February – 16/21
March – 15
April – 3/14